Empowering patients with the

freedom to speak.

Learn about how the SPEAX can help you or your loved ones communicate while on non-invasive ventilation (CPAP/BiPAP).

SPEAX communication System

Quick, easy, universal

Our two piece solution allows for quick and easy installation that can be used by patients, loved ones, and clinicians.

  1. Attach the Patch to the outside of the patient’s mask
  2. Connect the Patch the the battery powered Communicator
  3. Adjust the power/volume knob as desired

Who uses the sPEAX


Non-invasive ventilation may be used as a form of life support. These patients are still able to speak, but the properties of the mask prevent them from being heard.

SPEAX is used to allow patients to participate in their care and to speak with loved ones.


CPAP and BiPAP are used for a variety of patients in the home. ALS, MD, and some COPD patients may need to use this therapy for a majority of their day.

SPEAX can improve daily life by restoring the ability to speak with those around you.

Want to learn more?

Please email sales@ataiamedical.com